Saturday 25 October 2008



The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) recognizes the existence of the culture of impunity in Kenya and the need to remove this shield. In the preceding chapters of this report, the KNCHR has made key recommendations including calling upon the Attorney General of the Republic of Kenya and/or the Kenya Police Force to undertake further investigations on various issues that the Report raises. In this section, we provide a list of alleged perpetrators, who were mentioned by interviewees as having played a role in the perpetration of the post election violence. The list is not comprehensive and does not present a complete picture of all who may have been involved. It makes mention of various alleged perpetrators and includes some background information on them, and the allegation(s) and information supporting the allegation(s), which the National Commission believes provides a basis and a good starting point for further investigations.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information supporting the adverse mentions reaches a threshold that had been agreed to (see Page 20 in Chapter One).

The National Commission is not making any conclusions that the persons mentioned here are guilty; this is presented in the effort to remain faithful to hundreds of Kenyans who provided this information which we expect that the relevant agencies will further


On many occasions unsuccessful efforts were made to contact those mentioned. In particular, given that this was election related violence, the Commission sent out letters to all the members of parliament, which however elicited very few responses.

The list was subjected to review by independent persons at the different stages of compiling the report including by the staff and commissioners as well as by national experts contracted by the National Commission to review the report and critique the same.





The late Hon. Lorna Laboso M.P, Sotik Constituency
Planning and incitement to violence

On the third week of January 2008, she attended a purported peace meeting at Manaret Society, and incited the local community after which a vicious attack against the Kisiis was instead intensified.

Together with Franklin Bett they talked to and incited about 700 youths at the Sotik Tea Estate and immediately they left the youths began to burn houses belonging to Kisiis.

Hon. Franklin Bett M.P, Bureti Constituency
Planning, incitement, and financing the violence

During a public meeting in Kiptororo in Kuresoi in December 2007, he reportedly urged the Kalenjins to fight the Kikuyus until they leave Molo area.

Before elections, he and other prominent politicians attended a meeting in the interior Ndoinet forest. After the said meeting, the group that attended attacked and destroyed properties belonging to the non Kalenjins. It is believed that they incited the locals to attack non Kalenjins.

He brought young men (boys) in groups of more than 300 from Bomet who worked with the Luo locals to attack the Kikuyus.

Together with the late Kipkalia Kones and the late

Kimutai Too they financed the Kalenjin youths who

attacked the Kikuyus and Kisiis in Kericho.

He organized youths to attack the Kikuyus and

Kisiis in Kericho. He gave them transport, fuel and

food and held meetings at Kericho Tea Hotel and

other places.

He told supporters that “all the investors in

Kericho and in the estates will be either Kalenjins

or Indians”. This statement is said to have given

the youths motivation to attack all other tribes

especially Kisiis and Kikuyus.

He is said to have been explaining to people who

attended a meeting at Kipkatet that no one can

take what belongs to the Kalenjins, especially land.

In a meeting held in Chopkoibet in Bomet, he is

quoted to have said that “ he will beat up the

Kikuyus till they leave Molo”

Together with the late Kipkalia Kones and the late

David Too, they organized and facilitated the

youths to be transported from Trasmara and

Bomet by lorries through Silibwet to go and chase

Kikuyus from Kuresoi.

He intimidated people at Kericho Police Station

and told them that those that give information to

investigators on post election violence will be


Eye witnesses have reported that on the 30th of

December 2007 at around10.00 am, at the Caltex

Petrol Station in Kericho town, he gave

unspecified amount of money to some Kalenjin

and Luo men who immediately after the said

payment started stoning and burning kiosks

perceived to be owned by Kikuyus but were in

actual fact owned by the Kipsigis and the Kisii


3. The Late Hon. David

Kimutai Too

MP, Ainamoi Constituency. Planning, incitement, and

financing the violence

Incitement to violence

On the 23rd November 2009 went to Stagemart in

Kericho and addressed a crowd asking residents to

remove all the stains/spots (madoadoa) from the

region. In January 2008 he asked that all the

stains/spots (Madoadoa) be removed from the


Together with Kipkalia Kones and Franklin Bett

they financed the Kalenjin youths who attacked

the Kikuyus and Kisiis in Kericho.

4. The late Hon.Kipkalya


Former MP, Bomet Constituency

and minister

Planning, incitement, and

financing the violence

Incitment, planning and

financing the violence.

In January 2008 while addressing youths he is

reported to have told the youths :”When we tell

you to block, make sure you block the road, and

when we tell you to remove, make sure you

remove them.”

Kalenjin raiders were hosted at his residence in

Sirikwa from where they launched attacks against

the Kikuyus and Kisiis.

Together with Franklin Bett and the late Kimutai

Too they financed the Kalenjin youths who

attacked the Kikuyus and Kisiis in Kericho

5. Hon William Ruto MP, Eldoret North Constituency,


Planning, incitement, and

financing the violence

In August 2007 he held a meeting with other

senior ODM leaders in Kipkelion near Kericho

including Sotik MP the late Lorna Laboso , the late

Kipkalia K. Kones (Bomet), Kiprono L. J. Magerer

(Kipkelion) , and Franklin Bett (Bureti) where the

leaders resolved to carry out mass evictions of

non Kalenjins from ‘their’ Rift Valley areas,

particularly the Kikuyu and Abagusii.

During an opening ceremony for the Seventh Day

Adventist Church in a place called Mailing, he is

alleged to have said that they would uproot the

“sangari”, ‘shake off the soil’, ‘gather it together’

and ‘burn it’, in reference to ‘outsider’

communities. .

He is alleged to have addressed the public at

Bisabol shopping centre in Turbo near Burnt

Forest and incited the local Kalenjin and Luhya

communities against the Kikuyu.

At a meeting on 22/12/2007 at his home in Sugoi

said that his headache was Mr Jonathan Bii, his

opponent, who supported Kikuyu on the land

issue and directed that they should be attacked if

they dared campaign in the areas.

6. Hon. Boaz Kaino MP, Marakwet West constituency Inciting vioelence.

At a meeting, he said that he would remove

Kikuyu and Kisiis from the area after elections.

7. Hon Sally Kosgey MP , Aldai constituency and

Cabinet Minister

Planning, incitement, and

financing the violence

With Hon Henry Kosgey, they attended meetings

to organise violence. They are alleged also to have

funded the violence.

8. Hon. Fred Kapondi MP, Mt. Elgon constituency Inciting violence He attended and addressed a

rally / meeting at

Ziwa where violence was planned. Alleged to have

said that Luhyas should be expelled from Trans


9. Hon. Henry Kosgey MP, Tinderet Constituency and

Cabinet Minister

Planning, incitement, and

financing the violence

He held several meetings with the Nandi Hills area

councilors and other opinion leaders at Septon

Guest House within Septon Estate. The meeting, it

is believed, was for planning and organization of

the violence.

He is also alleged to have funded the violence.

10. William Ole Ntimama MP,

Narok North

MP, Narok North constiteuncy Incitement to violence

During the 2007 election campaigns, William Ole

Ntimama reportedly incited the Maasais in Narok

against the Kikuyus and Kisiis. He told the Maasai’s

to evict the said communities if they did not vote

for him and ODM.

On or about 30 December 2007, the Narok market

was burnt and several people injured after he

allegedly told Kalenjin and Maasai youths that the

Kikuyu women in the market had insulted him.

11. Hon. Omondi Anyanga

MP for Nyatike constituency

Participating and funding of


Hiring of lorries to loot cereals depot, funding the


12. Hon. John Pesa MP, Migori constituency Incitment to violence He is reported to have said at a campaign rally that

‘visitors’ had taken away the businesses of local

people). He named the said ‘visitors’ as ‘Oriah’

(understood to mean Somalis, Kikuyus and Kisiis).

He said that if he won he would remove the

visitors and make Luos own the businesses.

13. Hon. Ramadhan Kajembe MP, Changamwe Constituency Incitemetn and participation in


He hosted a number of people at his home on the

day violence erupted. He “commanded” the youth

that was looting in Changamwe area.

14. Peter Mwathi MP, Limuru constituency Incitement to violence He asked Mungiki to arm

themselves to defend

the Kikuyu in the Rift Valley in a meeting where

alongside other MPS he addressed IDPs on 19th

January 2008

15. Uhuru Kenyatta, Kabando

wa Kabando, Stanley


Members of Parliament for

Gatundu North, Mukurweini and

Kiambaa respectively

Planning and financed violence On diverse dates during January, February and

March 2008 they attended meetings to plan for

retaliatory violence by the Kikuyus. they met to

plan retaliatory attacks in the Rift Valley. They also

contributed funds and organised militia for

retaliatory violence.

16. Kabanda wa Kandao MP, Mukurueni Financing violence He participated in planning for

acquisition of

weapons by Kikuyus for retaliatory violence.

17. Najib Balala MP, Mvita constituency and


Inciting and funding violence Incited and paid youths Ksh. 500 to cause violence.

18. Chris Okemo, MP, Nambale Constituency Incitement to violence. At a rally in Busia at the bus

park and he told

the public that he does not want the Kikuyu

votes and also intimated that it is the Kikuyu

who are barring them from developing


19. Elizabeth Ongoro MP for Kasarani Financing and planning violence Suuplied money for petrol

used to burn down

houses and property in Kijiji cha Chewa.

20. Maj G en Hussein Ali Police Commissioner Some police officers committed

violations during the violence

Some police officers under his command

as the Commissioner of Police

were involved in use of excessive force

leading to deaths and injury, some

officers were partisans, and others

neglected their duties.

21. (i) Paul Olando Provinincial

Commissioner Nyanza)

(ii) Grace Kaindi Provincial Police

Officer, Nyanza(iii) Scaver Mbogo

Provnicial Criminal Investigations

Officer Nyanza(iv) Mr. Omwanga NSIs

officer, Nyanza

Members of the Nyanza Provincial

Security Committee

In charge of on the g round

operations in Nyanza Province as

regarding maintenance of law

and order

Ordering the use of excessive


They gave shoot to kill orders against

demonstrating youth in Kisumu and

authorised use of live bullets

22. Peter Kavila, Wainaina and Njoki

and Peter Matu,

PPO, Western Province,

OCS Malava and two other

Officers respectively

Excessive use of force Shooting and killing peaceful


23. Mr Ngugi, OCS Langas Police

Station and officers under his


The OCS Langas Police station,

Eldoret and officers under his


Execessive use of force. The OCS and the officers under his

command are said to have shot six youths

in Kasarani and Kisumu Ndogo areas

killing two and injuring others.

24. Mr Alfred Chepkwony Assistant chief,

Chemamul Sub l ocation in

Tinderet, Nandi South

Participatng in the violence

The sub c hief was among the attackers on

the morning of 31st December 2007.

25. Mr William Sang The Chief Chepkoilel Location

near Eldoret.

Participating and organising the


The Chief was seen directing the attackers

on 31st of January 2008 at Kimumu.

26. OCS Endebess Police Station OCS Endebess Police Station

during the post election period.

Execessive use of force. He led a group of police officers and

Kikuyu attackers to Turbo area in

Endebess on 6th January 2008 at around

11.00 am and shot and injured people in

the area including the interviewee .

27. Police officers from Endebess

Police station

Police officers attached to

Endebess Police station during the

post election period.

Excessive use of force. Police officers and Kikuyu attackers went

to Turbo area in Endebess on 6th January

2008 at around 11.00 am and shot and

injured people in the area.

28. Kirwa, General Service Unit Officer. A GSU Officer at Nabkoi GSU

Camp in Nandi North. He hails

from Sochoi Village, Nandi South


Execessive use of force and


He shot dead Mr James Tukong who died

on the way to the hospital on allegations

that he was in the PNU camp. The body

was taken to Nandi Hills Hospital.

29. Dr. Jacob Bitok A lecturer at Moi University Organising, planning, funding and

participation in the violence.

He ferried Marakwet warriors to attack

and drive Kikuyu out of Rock Centre in

Eldoret and in Kipkaren areas. He was the

custodian of the funds collected to

finance the violence within Mosop area.

30. A Mr Bernard

Acting Assistant Chief of Mubele

Sub l ocation.

Participation in the violence

Alleged to have been involved in the

violence . The assistant chief is said to

have been arrested and released by

police over the allegations.

31. Thomas Cheruiyot Sirikwa Agricultural/ Veterinary Officer in


Incitement to violence. He threatened the headmaster of Sirikwa

Primary School (a kikuyu) and asked him

to leave arguing that the school deserved

a Kalenjin headmaster. This was during a

public meeting convened by the Kamara

District Officer held on 27/11/07.

Cheruiyot further reportedly incited the

Kalenjin parents to withdraw their

children from Sirikwa Primary and

Secondary Schools. As a result the

Secondary school was reportedly closed


32. Joseph Rotich a.k.a Survivor. Ass. Chief of Mawingu sublocation

Incitement to violence,


He severally threatened the Kikuyu

residents in his area that their time was

running out and that they would be taken

back to central province. On 4/10/07, he

was said to have publicly told the

residents of Murinduko farm that the

Shopping center would be burnt down

soon. After two days, there was an attack

at Murinduko Trading Center by Kalenjin

raiders but they were repulsed by the

Kikuyus. A month later (25/11/07), there

was a major attack in Murinduko during

which two elderly people were killed by

Kalenjin raiders. When Murinduko center

was finally razed down on 16/1/08, Mr.

Rotich was spotted among the raiders

near Set Kobor farm. After the Trading

Center was burnt, Murinduko residents

fled. Mr. Rotich was reportedly heard

bragging that his word that the Kikuyus

were going to move to Central Province

had been fulfilled. He said that he was

going to ensure that all Kikuyus fled to

Kiambu and Nyeri.

33. Steven Ngetich a.k.a Alexander Chief, who lives at Sundu River,


Planning and participation in the


Said to have hosted raiders at his

residence. It is also said that raiders who

killed some five people at Sunu River had

assembled at his home before the attack.

Reported to have been arrested for

incitement but was later released.

34. Mr Osewe OCS, Kuresoi Police Station Negligence of duty Said to have failed to take action

Against the raiders even after receiving

information in advance about impending

attacks. Reportedly refused to offer

security to Mwaragania Primary School

despite repeated requests by the

teachers. The school was burnt on

On 31/12/07, a witness states that he met

Mr. Osewe who had visited Gacharage

farm which had been attacked and

houses were burning. He asked Mr.

Osewe what measures he had put in place

to stop the escalating violence. He told

the interviewee that ‘vile nimeona, hiyo

imenishinda. Kila mtu ajisaidie’ (From

what I have seen, I can’t manage the

situation; everyone should take care of

themselves). He then reportedly drove of

and left the area burning.

35. Sammy Ng’etich Acting chief for Chemaner Location

Incitment, organising, and

planning the violence

Ng’etich told the Kisiis and the Kikuyus

that they must vacate the area whether

they like it or not. The chief was all along

against the establishment of a police post

in the area and had threatened several

residents who had spearheaded the

establishment of Giticha Police Camp

following recurrent attacks. Sometimes in

September 2007, he reportedly held a

meeting which was attended exclusively

by Kalenjins and the night after the

meetings, a group of youths attacked

Kamwaura shopping center whereby two

people were killed and several houses


36. William Ngerech

Chief, Temuyota Location. Former

GSU officer

Planning and participating in


He stays in Muriginyen farm. During the

polling period he was shot by the police at

Keringet while in a group of youths that

had attacked a vehicle hired by the

Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) to

ferry election materials.

David Rugut Chief Kamasian Location Eviction of people from their


Together with others, he participapted in


37. Cheruiyot Policeman based at Murinduko Shopping Center

Organising violence Was an organizer of violence.

38. Mr Mohamed District Officer (DO) Olenguruone Negligence of duty and


He reportedly was partisan in favour of

Kalenjins. He failed to act on the violence.

39. OCS Olenguruone Police Station OCS Olenguruone Police Station Negligence of duty The OCS took no action against the

raiders who met daily in the trading

center just a few meters from the police


40. The In charge and other Police

officers of Kaptembwa Police Post

Officers from the police force

based at Kaptembwa

Negligence of duty, arson and


During some skirmishes on 30th December

2007, the Police officers based at

Kaptembwa Police Post were spotted

looting shops in Kaptembwa estate.

The officers also burnt Jupiter

Supermarket in Kaptembwa while their

in charge was watching

41. Benjamin Koech Policeman Organizing and participating in


On 30/12/07 2007 at Kimogoro farm,

Sogoo location, in Narok South, he was

seen in the company of Kalenjin raiders

armed with an AK rifle. He was seen firing

in the air to scare the Kikuyus as the

raiders burnt their houses. He is based at

the Kenya Tanzania border, he further

organized the burning and looting of

property in Narok, Kimogoro farm

42. A lady known as ‘Nyagem’ Female Police Officer, Kisumu


Excessive use of violence She was on duty during spate of violence

after death of Ainamoi MP Too. She shot

a young man dead around Kibuye Market.

43. Dennis also known as Deno Police officer

Attached to Kondele Police

Station and also a resident of

Manyatta Village Sije area

Excessive use of force Shot civilian youth at Manyatta, Kisumu

and injured others in Kisumu

44. Ndegwa Police officer attached to Migori

police station.

Excessive use of force Shot civilian at his place of work in Migori

45. Tanui Administration Police officer

attached to Siaya administarion

police camp

Excessive use of force Shot demonstrating civilian at Jamaa

Petrol Station in Siaya

46. Kirui Police officer on duty in Kisumu

during protests by the youth

Shot and killed youth at Kondele,


Television clip showed that youth shot

was not protesting and was shot at pointblank

range. It was also clear that police

officer was not shooting in self d efence

47. Peter Kavila, Wainaina and Njoki

and Peter Matu,

PPO, Western Province,

OCS Malava and two other

Officers respectively

Excessive use of force Shooting and killing peaceful


48. OCSs for Chaani, Changamwe,

Mishoromoroni, Ujamaa, and Shika

Adabu police stations.

Senior police officers at Chaani;

Changamwe Mishomoroni and

Ujamaa Shika Adabu

The police under the command of

the OCs supported the youths

who were raiding the Kikuyu,

Kamba and Meru homes and

businesses. They kept guard

hence aiding and abetting

commitment of crime.

A group of ODM youths raided his

business and looted. The Police kept

guard over the looters and encouraged

them to loot but not to kill.

49. Luseno Lusaba Assistant Chief, Soy sublocaton,


Participation in the violence. He was in a group of youths who carried

out attacks in Lugari on 31 December



50. Inooro FM Radio station which broadcasts in

the Kikuyu language

Disseminated incitement via callin


Incited Kikuyu audiences in Central

Province and in the diaspora. Call i n

shows on radio stations enabled

individuals to make unregulated hateful

statements. Inooro FM aired highly

emotional and distraught victims of the


51. Kameme FM Radio station broadcasting in the

Kikuyu language

Perpetration of hate speech Kameme FM station engaged in ethnic

propaganda campaign against ODM and

the Kalenjin .

Reference to “beasts from the west’ in

reference to Raila were made.

52. Kass FM Radio station broadcasting mainly

in Kalenjin languate.

Incitement and hate speech in its


KASS FM broadcast hate speech and

materials meant to incite communities

against each others.

53. Radio Injili Radio station Incitement and hate speech in its


The station broadcast on several

occasions material that amounted to


54. Coro FM Radio station which broadcasts in

the Kikuyu language

Incitement through its


The station broadcast on several

occasions material that amounted to






55. Paster, Kirathimo Church Pastor, Kirathimo Church, Limuru Incitement The pastor urged the

people at Kirathimo

Church (which hosted IDPs) that “The

Kikuyu should be armed the way I am

armed with a Bible”.

56. Rev. Kosgey A preacher who sometimes

preaches on Kass FM.

He incited violence through radio


During radio programmes, he incited

communities against each other.

57. Mr Benjamin Murei A Seventh Day Adventist (SDA)

Church elder.

Aided and abbeted violence

He offered prayers and read a verse from

the Bible to the youth attackers in

support of the violence.

58. Pastor Isaya Nyongesa Pastor in Likuyani Incitement to violence During the campaign period he

said that

Kikuyu’s must go back to ‘their’ Central







59. Councillor Ochola Councillor for Utalii Ward in

Kasarani Consitutency and lives in

Kijiji cha Chewa

Financed the purchase of petrol to

make petrol bombs and paid

arsonists Ksh 400/day.

Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 he allededly

financed local youth to buy petrol to burn

peoples property.

60. Obong’o Councillor, Kiamaiko ward lives in


Provided food, shelter weapons

transport and money to attackers.

Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 provided food,

shelter weapons transport and money to


61. Ouma Lives in Ghetto, Mathare,

unsuccessful civic aspirant

Provided food, shelter weapons

transport and money to attackers.

Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 provided food,

shelter weapons transport and money to


62. A man known as ‘Jogindar’ Lives in Kijiji cha Chewa, Mathare,

civic aspirant

Said to have helped finance and

organise gangs that torched

houses and robbed people.

Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 helped finance and

organise gangs that torched houses and

robbed people.

63. Chrispus Kamau Lives in Kibera Allegedly burned down a house . On 21st Jan.08, he burned down a house in Kibera.

64. A man known as ‘Carlos’ A member of an illegal group

Bukhungu and lives in Kichinjio in

Mathare. This group is said to be

associated with a politician.

Allegedly led a gang that knocked

down a house and burned and

stole property.

On 29th Jan.08, being a member of a

group, they knocked down a house

before burning it down.





65. John Paul (JP) Alleged leader of an illegal group

called Bukhungu operating in

Kibera, Kichinjio area.

Leader of an illegal gang called

Bukhungu participated in the


His gang was involved in acts of violence

during the crisis.

66. Kotieno Lives in Kibera slums. One of the alleged leaders of Siafu

. His gang was involved in acts of violence

during the crisis.

67. Kabaka Lives in Kijiji cha Chewa, Mradi T


Leader of group that torched

houses and robbed people.

Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 led a group that

torched houses and robbed people.

68. Baraza Lives in Kijiji cha Chewa, acting in

the same team with Jogindar and

Kabaka and others.

Led gangs that torched houses. Between 29th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 led gangs that

torched houses.

69. Owino Lives in Ghetto. Member of illegal group called

Taliban that torched houses and

robbed people.

Between 30th December 2007 and the

first week of Jan 2008 Owino was in a

group that torched houses and robbed


70. Muturi Muthee Lives in Kariobangi South. Leader of Mungiki cell that

forcefully circumcised Luos.

Involved in various crimes during post

election period.



71. Jonah Koech Former Councilor Londiani Ward

He is alleged to have organized,

financed and transported and

supplied petrol to the youths to

carry out the violence and to have

participated in burning houses.

On the 5th of February 2008, with others,

burnt houses that belonged to nonkalenjins.

The same happened on

February 18 and 20th 2008. Alleged to

have also used lorries in transporting the


72. General Retired Koech Contested for the Ainamoi

Parliamentary seat in 2007

General Election.

He alleged to have been one

of the organisers of the

Kalenjin attackers in South


Alleged to have been an organizer of the

violence in the South Rift, region. His

assistants, some government officers,

and former service officers that worked

with them are known to the locals.

73. David Njuguna alias “Zebra” . Councilor Londiani town ward. Organized retaliatory attacks

against the Kipsigis.

He organized youths of the Kikuyu

Community to burn down the shops and

businesses of the Kipsigis community.

74. Martin Odhiambo Insurance Broker, Kericho Town. Financed and supplied petrol

to youths.

Alleged to have financed the violence and

supplied youths with petrol to burn

homes of members of the non Kalenjin


75. Nyabuti Moseti Businessman. Organized the transportation

of the chinkororo fighters for

retaliatory attackers.

He provided Matatu to ferry the

chinkororo attackers to “defend” Kisiis.

76. Jack Sokouhuru He is a businessman and owns

butchery in Londiani.

Participation in the violence. He was one of the attackers who were

involved in the burning of kipsigis shops.

77. Zebra (alias David Githunguri or


Councilor Chepkongoni Ward. Participated in torching of

houses belonging to the

Kipsigis Community.

On 20th of January 2008 he led a group of

attacks to burn homes belonging to

members of the Kipsigis Community.



78. Faruk Kibet, Enoch Sugut, Mr

Thomas Koech and Solomon


Former nominated councilor for

Wareng County Council in Eldoret,

ODM youth leader and

headmaster of Kaptebee

Secondary school, CDF Treasurer

Eldoret North Constituency, and

another ODM activist in Turbo,


Inciting, organizing, and

participating in violence.

Faruk |Kibet is alleged tohave incited

and organized the violence in the North

Rift region. With one Councilor Solomon,

they were seen with containers full of

fuel in a vehicle, which they distributed

to groups of youth

It is alleged that with Enoch Sugut, an

ODM youth leader and Headmaster of

Kaptebee Secondary School and Solomon

Tilawen, an ODM activist in Turbo, Faruk

Kibet allegedly asked two youth leaders

Mr Enoch Sugut and Solomon Tilawen to

organize the youths into battalions for

the war. Further, he allegedly requested

the youth leaders to enroll more warriors

as they waited for instructions..

On 2/1/2008 at Chepsaita in Ngenyilel

Location, accompanied by CDF Treasurer

Eldoret North Constituency, Mr Thomas

Koech, the youths were advised to attack

Kikuyu and PNU Supporters residing at

Kipkaren and Musembe trading centre.

In two meetings at Kipkaren and Kabiyet



areas he told people that if Mwai Kibaki

was announced winner, then people

should start fighting.

Faruk is alleged to have also organized

the burning of the PCEA Church at


79. A Mr Kiptalat A village elder of Yamumbi village

in Langas Eldoret.

Together with Thomas Siratei,

alleged to have led youths in

burning houses and evicting

Kikuyu from the Yamumbi area

One interviewee stated that while

fleeing, she met the named person in the

company of the youth issuing instructions

on the burning of the Kikuyu homes. This

was on 30th December 2007 at around

8.30 pm

80. Mr Thomas Siratei A village elder in Yamumbi,

Langas, Eldoret .

Together with, a village elder of

Yamumbi village by the name

Kiptalat, alleged to have led

youths in burning houses and

evicting Kikuyu from the Yamumbi


A source stated that the named person

was in the company of Kipatalat the

above described together with unnamed


81. Mr Kiarie alias ‘Baba Kariuki’ A resident of Kireti farm near

Burnt Forest area.

Alleged to have a gun and

organized the burning of Kalenjin

houses in Kireti farm

Interviewee states that the named

person shot a man injuring him. Another

source who is a victim of the shooting

incident also indicated that the named

person is the one who shot him.

82. A Mr Kaguthi A tout in Langas area of Eldoret Alleged to have participated in the Named

severally as having carried out



killings of Luo people by the

Kikuyu in Langas area of Eldoret


attacks in Langas area.

83. A Mr Kamiteini A businessman in Langas estate


Alleged to have organized kikuyu

youth to attack other

communities in Langas.

The named person hosted meetings that

planned attacks. He bought pangas for

the youth to use in the raids.

84. A Mr Waititu A resident of Langas, Eldoret and a

businessman in the transport


Alleged to have been involved in

organizing the youth.

He provided a grinder at his place of

business to sharpen pangas that were to

be used in the attacks .

85. Mr Anthony Samoia A resident of western farm, Langas

Eldoret .

Alleged to be have made bows

and arrows and also led Kalenjin

youth to attack target

communities in the area on 1st

January 2008.

He was seen leading the youth in

attacking targeted communities.

86. A Mr William Businessman and farmer in

Tinderet Tea Estate

Used his three vehicles (a Nissan,

a pick u p and a tractor) to ferry

property that had been looted

from Kikuyu and Kisii in Tinderet

tea estate.

His three vehicles ferried property

belonging to Kisii and Kikuyu in

Chemamul, Nandi South, and Tinderet

Tea Estate on the morning of 31st

December, 2007.

87. A Mr. Jacob A resident of Nandi hills town and

owns a boutique in the town.

Led a group of youth from around

Nandi hills town to loot shops

belonging to Kikuyu

He was heard planning to loot a

supermarket in the town and then later

he was seen leading youth to loot Kikuyu

shops on 28th December 2007 at around

5.00 pm in Nandi Hills Town .



88. Mr Sambui A resident of Soi area. Aided the violence. Provided his Public Service Vehicles

(Matatus) vehicles to ferry attackers to

and from the town.

89. Mrs. Eunice Maina An elderly Kalenjin lady and a

farmer who stays in Marura area

of Eldoret.

Aiding and financing the violence. She is alleged to have given out her

incomplete house in Marura for night

meetings to plan attacks and also allowed

part of the incomplete house to be used

for making of arrows for the attacks.

She is also alleged to have provided

lorries to ferry youth from Moiben to and

attack Kimumu and the surrounding


90. Mr Jackson Kibor

A wealthy businessman and elder. Addressed youth and urged them

to attack and evict Kikuyus on

several occasions during the


Youth assembled at his home and later

marched to Maili Moja shopping centre

where he addressed them on 30th

December 2008 at 5.30 pm. He also

addressed a bigger number of youths in

his home on 1st January 2008.

He supported violence on BBC and tried

to justify the actions in the interview.

91. A Mr Sechete Resident of Silas area of Eldoret.

He owns butchery at Silas Estate.

Organized Kikuyu to attack other

communities living in Silas and

Munyaka estates of Eldoret town.

He was seen leading other Kikuyu in Silas

on the morning of 30th December 2008 to

attack other communities.



92. Mr Shaaban Mbugua A kikuyu resident of Silas area and

a lorry driver .

Led attackers in the Silas area of


He was seen leading other Kikuyu in Silas

on the morning of 30th December 2008 to

burn houses in Ilula and Silas areas of


93. A Mr Alfred A resident of Tambach township

and a matatu driver along Iten


Aided and participated in the


He transported attackers to burn the

home of the interviewee. He burnt

houses belonging to Kikuyu in Tambach

together with Abraham Chemen, (a

construction worker in Tambach), Bobon,

Raymond Mebar, and Kibiyego (a

neighbor and a medical worker at

Kakuma refugee camp in Turkana


He was the custodian of funds that were

used to pay the attackers and generally

carry out the attacks.

94. A Mr Kaunda A Marakwet man staying in an

area neighboring Matierio Village

in North Kisii Farm, Trans Nzoia


Alleged to have organized attacks

and arson in Matierio Village

He was seen leading youth in burning

houses in Matierio village on 1st

September 2008 at around 2.00 pm,

there were about 150 youth.

95. Mr Kipkoech Too and Nicholas


Former headmaster of Kakiptui

Primary School and currently CDF

Committee Member for Mosop


Assisted in raising of funds for the


He assisted in conducting a harambee

towards buying of arms. It was said at the

meeting that they knew people who

could assist buy the arms.

96. Councilor Kiptindinyo Councilor of Kapsimotwo Ward, Leading of violence and He lead violence

in Nandi Hills and incited Nandi . incitement. communities to violence.

97. Mr Joshua Arap Sang A reporter with Kass FM who

hosted some of the morning


Used the station to mobilize and

plan for violence

. He branded those who did not vote with

the rest of the Kalenjin community


98. A Mr Jacob aka ‘AYJ’ Councilor

Kiplimo and Metto alias ‘Mataifa’.

A business man at Nandi Hills

township and a secondhand

clothes dealer, and a councilor..

They aided and participated in the

violence and destruction of


In the planning for violence Jacob was

assigned to dentify all Kikuyus and Kisiis

in the town and to recruit youths to do

the destruction. The three of them burnt

down Total Petrol station in Nandi Hills.

99. Murei, retired Senior

Superintendent of Police

Retired Superintendent of Police

and a resident of Cheptirwa


Trainining warriors. He was in charge of training the warriors

in the area.

100. A Mr Serem KNUT Secretary Nandi North Planning and organization of the


He was involved in the planning of the

violence in the area. He organized youths

from Sangalo to burn houses .

101. A Mr Maiyo A resident of Yamuumbi estate,

Muiruti Shopping Centre.

Hosted attackers. He housed youths till 30/12/2008 who

were suspected to have caused the

violence immediately after the

announcement of the Presidential

election results.

He accommodated and fed the youth

warriors who were preparing to attack.

With Mr Jeremiah Kosgey they hosted

the attackers.

102. Mr Ishmael Choge A resident of Kapsabet and former


Providing supprt to the

violence/aiding and abbeting


He was in charge of funds distribution in

Emgwen. He also worked with Amos Korir

of the same area. Allegedly collected

money from the business community

which was used to sponsor the violence.

103. A Mr ‘Barubaru’

Was An ODM Aspirant for

Chemundu Ward

Participation in the violence. Coordinated and participated in violence

in Nandi North District.

104. Mr Joshua Arap Keter Head teacher Kosacheii Secondary

School Sugoi.

Aiding and abbeting the violence. With his saloon car he used to ferry

petrol, airtime and money to mobilize the

youth for the violence.

105. Mark Too A wealthy farmer and

businessman, former Nominated


Hosting raiders. He hosted a raiders’ training camp at his

farm next to the Eldoret International

Airport where he supplied food and milk

for the raiders during training.

106. Mr Thomas Boiben Businessman in Eldoret Aided and abeted acts in the


His lorry was allegedly used to ferry items

believed to have been used during the

violence. He was quoted to have asked

his fellow Kalenjins why any Kikuyu

houses were still standing unburnt at the

height of the violence.

107. Mr Richard Chesment and

Salina Kosgey alias Wasitara

Prominent businessmen in Nandi

Hills Township

Transporting of attackers. They ferried and funded youths who

caused the mayhem using their own

vehicles that went around looting the

Kikuyu property.

108. Wilson Mutai Resident of Kosachei Ward and a

former Chairman Wareng County


Funding the violence.

With Dennis Chemase Kanu youth

leader Eldoret North he was seen moving

around the district distributing money to

the youth during and after the chaos.

109. Mr Benjamin Akumu alias

‘Malo malo ‘

A newspaper vendor in Oginga

Odinga street, Eldoret.

Alleged to have led the youth in

burning and looting houses in

Kipkaren area of Eldoret and killed

one person in the process

He led the youth to evict Kikuyu from

Kipkaren area and loot and burn their

property on 31st December 2007. A

kikuyu man named Kennedy was later

found burnt in one of the houses.

110. Mr Peter Maluma alias ‘Pokot’

A resident of Kipkaren Estate of


Alleged to have also organized the

youth to evict Kikuyu from

Kipkaren area and burn their


He was seen in the company of the


111. A man known as ‘Mzee Pilot’ He stays in Huruma area of

Eldoret and owns a bar in the area

. Alleged to have hosted youth in

his residence.

He hosted a group of youth who were

around 300 in number on 29th December

2008 in his residence. He was seen giving

instructions to the armed group. He was

mentioned to have been a leader of the

attackers in Huruma.

112. Mr ‘Brother Jew’ A Hotel owner in Huruma area of

Eldoret named ‘Brother Jew’

Alleged to have been involved in

the planning of violence in

Huruma area of Eldoret

He was involved in the plaaning of the

violence in the Huruma area of Eldoret

and provided a grinder at his premises in


113. Emmanuel Lamai Bor, Clement

Kipkemei Lamai.

Both are sons of a Mr Bor Participation in the violence.

They were seen among the raiders at the

Kiambaa church burning and were

involved in hacking people to death.

Have since been arrested and arraigned

in court on charges of murder.

114. Stephen K. Leting (Chemalan) A civic seat aspirant

Participation in the violence

He was seen among the raiders at the

Kiambaa church burning and was

involved in hacking people to death.

Has since been arrested and arraigned in

court on charges of murder.

115. A man commonly known as


A butchery proprietor at


Participation in the violence

He was seen among the raiders at the

Kiambaa church burning and was

involved in hacking people to death.




116. Thomas Belsoi A retired police officer and son of

a former army captain (Belsoi). He

resides at Sirikwa farm.

Hosted raiders and provided

support to them.

He provided storage for gusn and other

logistics including biculars that led to the

killings of 20 Kikuyu young men.

117. Peter Belsoi, Son of a former army

captain(Belsoi). He resides at

Sirikwa farm. Works with Telkom

in Nairobi.

Contributed money for the


Mr. Belsoi contributed money towards

the violence and that he was in the area

during the relevant period.

118. S.P. Siele Businessman (Wholesale trader) in

Total Trading centre

Financed attacks in Molo and


He was reportedly one of the key

financiers of violence against non ODM

supporters in Total and Mau Summit


119. Wilson Leitich A former nominated councilor and

former Nakuru Kanu branch


financier of violence

hosting of raiders.

He was reportedly financier of the

violence and severally hosted raiders in

his residence at Muchorwe Farm from

where they planned and launched



120. Moses Cheboi Immediate former MP Kuresoi Incitement to violence

Negative ethnic comments and

hate speech

Financing meetings where attacks

were planned and financed the


Providing transport to attackers

He reportedly financed a meeting held at

Chepkinoiyo near Sitoito after party

nominations during which it was resolved

that Kikuyus should be evicted so that

they do not vote for the Kikuyu aspirant.

He is said to have co financed another

meeting held in Keringet on 22/12/07,

which declared total war on the Kikuyus

and the Kisii.

He supplied a lorry which was reportedly

used to ferry raiders to scenes of attacks

on diverse dates

121. James Koskei Former MP, Kuresoi Facilitating and organizing


He facilitated and attended meetings

after ODM nominations which were held

in mid November, 2007 that planned

attacks on Kikuyus .

122. Joseph Kebenei Parliamentary aspirant, Kuresoi Inciting, facilitating and organizing

violence against Kikuyus and Kisiis.

He facilitated and attended meetings

after ODM nominations which were held

in mid November, 2007 that planned

attacks on Kikuyus.

123. Ezekiel Kesendany Parliamentary aspirant, Kuresoi Alleged to have incited, facilitating

and organizing violence against

Kikuyus and Kisiis.

In a meeting held at Kiptororo on

22/12/2007, he stated that Kalenjins

should evict Kikuyus from Nyota farm.

124. Arap Sang (nickname LW) Prominent businessman Hosted a Kalenjin leadings for a

meeting where attacks against

Kikuyus and Kisiis were planned

On 22/12/07, he hosted a Kalenjin

leaders’ meeting at his residence at

Keringet during which the leaders

declared war on the Kikuyus and Kisiis.

125. Julius Sigei Former councillor, Nyota ward

and a chief campaigner of Moses

Cheboi and a resident of

Muchorwe farm

He organized violence. He was a key perpetrator of violence

against the Kikuyus and Kisiis.

126. Jacob Rono Personal Assistant to Moses

Cheboi and also the CDF manager

He was involved in organizing


On 28/12/07 after Moses Cheboi lost the

Kuresoi seat, he ordered the youth to go

and start attacks alleging that votes had

been rigged. The youth later attacked

and burnt houses at Keringet Trading


127. Mr Sigiroi Civic aspirant Mkulima ward in


He is alleged to have incited the

Kalenjin by uttering hate speeches

against the Kikuyu.

During the campaign period he

repeatedly urged Kalenjin voters during

campaigns not to vote for kikuyu

aspirants so as to reduce kikuyu

dominance in the area.

128. Geoffrey Koskey (Kio Farm,


Former Civic Aspirant (2007),

Kuresoi Ward. .

Planning and organizing violence

Use of derogatory language

against the Kikuyu and inciting the

Kalenjins against the Kikuyu.

He warned a witness to escape from the

area so that he is not harmed when

violence begins. He allegedly told the

witness that they had been holding night

meetings to discuss the fate of Kikuyus.

129. Josiah Gakono (Kio Farm,


One of Moses Cheboi’s


incitement against the Kikuyu by

uttering hate speeches. nd

burning of houses

He was spotted several times burning

houses in the area. In one major attack,

he was seen armed with bows and

arrows and a Panga. He was wearing a

shot and had smeared his face. He also

reportedly referred to Kikuyus as

madoadoa (spots), Ng’ogi (dogs).

130. Benjamin Chirchir Local prominent businessman.

(Set Kobor, Kuresoi)

Hosting attackers. Raiders reported to have been staying at

his home. Sometime in November 2007,

a group of about 200 raiders was spotted

by a witness in his compound, which is

next to a forest. Later that evening, there

was an attack in Murinduko farm.

131. Mathayo Sang (Kongoi farm,


Local businessman timber dealer,

Cheboi’s chief campaigner, head

of CDF committee.

Hosting of meetings of raiders

and funding the raiders.

He was one the persons who hosted

raiders and planned violence. He once

told a witness that they either vote for

Cheboi or they get pushed out of the

area. On 2/2/08, he reportedly used send

two men to purchase petrol at Kuresoi

Trading Center, which was later used to

burn houses.

During the post election clashes, he

reportedly hosted and paid the raiders.

132. Francis Kenduiywo (Kongoi

farm, Kuresoi)

Local businessman, Former

Councillor, Kuresoi Ward

Planning and funding of violence One of those who hosted raiders on

diverse dates during which violence

against the Kikuyus and Kisiis was

planned violence.

133. John Maritim (Kongoi farm,


Local businessman, Former

Councilor, Kuresoi Ward.

Planning and funding of violence He was one of those who hosted raiders

on diverse dates during which violence

against the Kikuyus and Kisiis was

planned violence.

134. Wesley Ruto

(Ogilge farm, Kuresoi)

Former parliamentary aspirant,


Facilitating and planning violence Raiders used to gather at his house. His

four w heel car (Toyota Double Cabin)

was used to ferry injured raiders to

hospital. Sometimes in 2007, during a

fundraiser, he told the Kalenjins to stop

selling land to the Kikuyus and Kisii.

135. Elijah (Nickname, Jua Kali) Local businessman, Kongoi farm,


Planning and facilitating violence His car called ‘Tinet Gaa’ used to ferry

raiders to scenes of attacks and to ferry

the injured to hospital.

136. David Chumba also known as


Prominent businessman who deals

in livestock and timber

Issuing threats, hosting attackers

and organizing attacks

During the campaign period, he issued

threats to a Civic aspirant who vied and

worn a civic seat. He told him that he

should stop vying for the seat or else he

faces dire consequences. His house was

raided by police after an attack in Giticha

farm sometimes in November 2007.

During the attack, some raiders were

killed by the police. The police then

proceeded to Chumba’s house where

they reportedly found a group of raiders

preparing to take tea which had been

prepared using big sufurias (cooking

pots). It is alleged that the police found a

dead body in the house. Chumba and the

raiders were arrested but were shortly

released reportedly upon the

intervention of Hon Moses Cheboi.

137. Josiah Langat Local Prominent businessman,

Owns several posho mills and

trades in livestock.

Planning and organising of


Stock theft

He financed youths to steal livestock and

hosted raiders at his residence in

Kabongoi. Sometimes in august 2007, his

son and a group of cattle rustlers were

arrested by police with stolen cows which

they were driving towards Transmara.

138. Joel Langat Former OCPD, Nakuru. Farmer at

Kamwaura Angurwe village.

Hosting raiders and stock theft

during the post elections


Raiders frequently gathered at Langat’s

home for planning of attacks. Stolen

livestock were first taken to his residence

before being driven away.

139. Mathias

Resident of Haraka farm and is

said to own a big house .

Hosting of raiders About 200 raiders gathered at Mathias’

residence. They were seen by policeman

who was on the material day among a

group of policemen pursuing stolen


140. Tito (nickname) Haraka farm,

Kuresoi Division

Local businessman with a posho

mill, shop and a hotel

Hosting attackers, financing and

planning of violence

Raiders used to converge at his business

premises to organize attacks. In August

2006, he was arrested by Kikuyu youths

during an attack by Kalenjin raiders in

Murinduko but was released shortly. He

is very influential and commands huge

support from the Kalenjins.

On 28/11/07, hundreds of Kalenjin

youths gathered outside Tito’s shop. They

later threatened the witness and crossed

over to the neighbouring Murinduko

farm and began attacking Kikuyus who

were attending to their farms, killing two

elderly people.

141. Joel Toweet Farmer at Set Kobor Hosting attackers and planning


According to witnesses, Joel’s son,

Vincent Mutai was killed in 2006 during a

cattle rustling incident at Tegea farm. He

accused Murinduko people of being

behind his son’s death. He used to drink

beer at Murinduko center and severally

threatened to avenge the death of his

son. Prior to an attack at Murinduko farm

on 28/11/2007 during which two elderly

people (Daniel Waruhiu and Susan

Wangui) were killed, raiders were

spotted meeting at his residence.

142. Wesley ‘Chagau’ Nominated councilor, Keringet Financing violence Wesley reportedly owns a

light blue

Datsun 1200 which was used to ferry

food to various scenes of attacks. He also

owns a big butchery in Keringet and used

to supply cooked meat to the raiders


143. James Tuwei Councilor, Cheptuech ward Incitement and participating in


The Councillor gave inflammatory

speeches during the campaigns. That

during a meeting after the party

nominations, he said that the Kalenjins

must fight and liberate the rest of the

Kuresoi like they did in Chepakundi in

1992. The land has since been taken over

by the Kalenjins). He was also spotted

armed with bows and arrows in several


144. Bidii Arap Too

Former Councilor Facilitating and supporting the


His lorry was used to ferry raiders to

scenes of attacks.

145. Joshua Sang

Farmer , lives in Olenguruone.

Financing and planning violence He owns a lorry which was used to

transport raiders on diverse dates. He is

an influential person.

146. Joseph Koromecha Mamoen 80 year old Kalenjin elder. He

lives in Saptet on the way to


Illegal oathing and participating in

meeting to plan violence.

Koromecha presided over traditional

ceremonies and cleansing/blessing the

youths for the war. He held a meeting

with Kalenjin elders on 22/12/07

between 11.00am to 1.00pm at a Mr.

Arap Sang’s (nicknamed LW) residence.

147. Dickson a man known

otherwise known as ‘Dyma’


Local prominent businessman.

Proprietor of Dyma Wholesalers

and Dyma Petrol station.

Financing violence. His lorry (white canter, Mitsubishi) was

used to ferry raiders to scenes of attacks.

He also reportedly sponsored the

violence through supply of food, fuel and

money. He also owns a green pick u p

truck, Toyota which he used to take fuel

and food supplies to the forest.

148. Simeon Rabwet

Headmaster Amaro Secondary


Organizing and participating in


He organized the violence. In the

aftermath of the elections his car was

used to accompany the raiders during

attacks. He was spotted addressing

raiders during several planning meetings.

Rabwet’s main role was mobilizing the

raiders and coordinating transport to

various scenes of attack

149. Mr Keror Former Police officer Incitement and organizing of


He was involved in mobilization towards

the violence

150. Pius Koech (Olenguruone) Former Teacher and Chief. Also an

influential village elder.

Organizing, financing and

participating in violence

He is a village elder who reportedly used

to solicit for contributions towards the

violence. He was spotted severally

addressing the raiders at Olenguruone

trading centre. He was also seen severally

boarding vehicles destined for Muchorwe

while armed together with the raiders.

This was around the third week of

January 2008.

151. Matayo Resident of Ambusket area of


Financing violence Matayo reportedly donated a ten wheel

truck, ‘grey’ in colour for use during the


152. Mr Bii, Headmaster, Teta primary School Directing and participating in


He led a group of raiders that burnt down

the Nyagachu chief’s office and Nyagachu

Police Post. The raiders threatened the

area chief with lynching if he did not

support the violence. The chief was

ordered to remove his files from his

office before it was set ablaze

153. Mochogorop Oyonge Spiritual leader. Illegal administering of oaths. In January 2008, he was

brought from

Transmara by local leaders and elders to

administer oaths to the youths in

readiness for the attacks. One of the

elders who brought him is called Joseph


154. Korir Former Chief, Amaro location Mobilizing and organizing violence Korir was reportedly in

charge of

mobilizing and training/briefing of raiders

on the attacks. The raiders routinely

assembled at Olenguruone, Keringet

shopping center and on various spots

along the roads where they were picked

by the trucks

155. Joseph Sang

Retired Clinical Officer Incitement, mobilizing of funds

and organizing violence.

Mobilized youth for the attacks. He

further used to mobilize for funds to

facilitate the attackers. He was spotted

severally addressing the youths in

Kiptagich area. Immediately after the

announcement of the presidential

results, a group of youths allied to Joseph

Sang attacked and burnt a residential

area near the DO’s office which is mainly

inhabited by Kisiis


156. Kirui alias ‘Savco’ Aspiring councillor, Mauche ward Incitementy, organizing and

participating in violence

He convened youth meetings convincing

them to protect their community. He

further organized the youths to dig up

trenches on the tarmac road and to

barricade the roads

157. ‘Saitoti’


Farmer Incitement. He incited the kalenjins against the

Kikuyus. On 31/12/07, he said that the

Kalenjins should not allow the Kikuyus to

flee under police escort since they were

the cause of their problems. He wanted

them to remain for them to be dealt with


158. Sammy Rotich, Alias ‘Saro’ Youth leader Participating in attacks He was in the front line in

during the

violence. He was also was also involved in

looting. He used to be in the company of

another ex army office.


159. Wilfred Bii

(Mau Summit)

Former Teacher (Pele Primary

School) and cureently a board

member Mau Summit Secondary


Hosting raiders and organizing


Raiders used to converge at his house at

the height of violence.

160. David Koech Son to a catechist who lives in

Mau Summit

Participated in the raids He is said to have been involved as a

raider and was identified by the

interviewee in a raid on 1/1/08.

161. Josiah Koech (Mau Summit) Headmaster, Koige Primary


Participating in violence He was seen participating in violence

during a raid in Mau Summit on 1/1/08

162. Ben (Total, Mau Summit) Manager, Leopard Park Hotel Hosting attackers, Raiders used to meet

at his hotel.

163. Philip Tuikong

(Mau Summit, Haraka Sub location)

Subchief, Haraka Sublocation Negligence of duty and complicity

in violence.

He told his neighbour (a Kisii) to move

away since there was going to be an

attack on the Kikuyus

164. Mr Rono, Mau Summit. Retired chief, Mau Summit


Organizing and participating in


He together with other people burnt a

Mr G.K. Mwaura in his house on 1/1/08.

Mwaura was escaping from his house

which had been set on fire by the chief

and his colleagues. The attackers caught

up with him and tossed him into the

burning house where he burnt to death.


165. Mr. David Manyara. Former MP for Nakuru town Inciting and planning Mobilized and led

around 300 members

of Mungiki to Ponda Mali estate of

Nakuru on 15th January 2008

Bought pangas from Woolmart

supermarket on Friday 11th January 2008

in preparation for attacks

166. Mayor Gikara Politician Planning and organizing violence Together with two other people he was involved in bringing members of the

Mungiki group to Kwa Rhoda estate of




167. Zakayo A businessman based in Nakuru

and owns a sawmill and a hotel

known as ’Zakayo’ on Kanu street

in Nakuru

Planning and organizing violence Together with two other people he was

involved in bringing members of the

Mungiki group to Kwa Rhoda estate of


168. Mr. Maina Principal, Nakuru Blanket

secondary School, Nakuru, said to

be a Luhya

Incitement He was inciting people to violence against

the Kikuyus

169. Mike Brawan Aspirant for the Nakuru

Parliamentary seat

Incitement He was in the company of violent youth

chanting ODM slogans and harassing and

intimidating kikuyus in Nakuru on 30th

December 2007

He was with youth who smashed

properties belonging to kikuyus in Langa

langa and Mwisho areas of Nakuru

170. Ephantus Kiura Rift valley Province Police head of


Negligence of duty and complicity

in violence

He assisted the Mungiki youths on

25/1/08 as they attacked and killed ODM

supporters in Nakuru town.

171. Mr Too Chief of Timboroa, Subukia


Organizing and participating in


Involved in instigating violence. He

reportedly ordered Kalenjin raiders in

Subukia on, 1/1/08, to attack and burn

Kikuyu houses. He allegedly personally

took charge of the attacks.

172. Hezron Wamutonyi Businessman in Free Area, Nakuru.

He also deals with herbal

Inciting violence. He was heard saying that whoever killed

a Kalenjin would be paid Ksh. 25,000 and

medicine, owns a butchery and a

bar called Buffalo

a Luo Ksh. 18,000.

Hosted about 2000 youth armed with

pangas in his home in Free Area, Nakuru

after the elections. He was later arrested

by the police and released.

Was receiving reports from members of

the Mungiki group who carried out

attacks. Interviewee states that the

alleged person called him on 13th

February 2008 and apologized to him

that he was affected yet he (the

interviewer) was a PNU supporter . He

promised to tell his boys not to attack

him and asked the interviewee to call him

in case of any danger.

173. Wandaka A resident of Free Area, Nakuru

and a scrap dealer. Also deals in

hides and skins and owns

residential houses

Planning and financing violence He hosted a meeting attended by kikuyus

after elections to plan violence in Free

Area, Nakuru.

He sponsored violence in Kiratina and

Free Area in Nakuru

174. Joseph Kuria A resident of Free Area, Nakuru

and owner of a hotel known as

‘Farmers Hotel’

Planning and organizing violence He convened a meeting for kikuyus after

the elections to plan violence in Nakuru’s

Free Area

175. Mr. Kimotho An elderly man and a resident of

Free Area, Nakuru and owns a


Brought weapons to Free Area

during the violence

A matatu belonging among other lorries

that ferried youth to Free Area and she

further states that the vehicle she

identified as Kimotho’s brought pangas.

176. Danson Ngatia A businessman in Free Area,

Nakuru. Owns a hardware known

as ‘Bura Yangu’ in Free Area

Financing violence Financed the mungiki group to carry out

violence in Kiratina and Free Area in


177. Mash wa Dafra A youth who stays in Karatina,

Nakuru and owns a hotel known

as ‘Dafra’

Participating in violence Was the ringleader of youth who

attacked luos and kalenjins in Karatina

and Free Areas in Nakuru. He was in

constant communication with financiers

of the violence.


178. Mrs. Jane Kihara

Immediate Former MP Naivasha Organizing and financing violence. She organized the Kikuyu youths


solicited funds to facilitate attacks against

Luos who she accused of failing to vote

for her leading to her defeat. She

participated in several planning meetings

at La Belle Inn and other Hotel in

Naivasha Town.

On 25/12/07, she bought pangas and

other crude weapons from Branch Kubwa

Supermarket for use during attacks

against the Luos.

On the day she lost the elections, she

went to Keroche industries and provided

money to Kikuyu workers so that they

could evict Luos.

She further organized for ferrying of

kikuyu militia to Karagita.

179. Mark Kariuki Businessman (proprietor of La

Belle Inn

Organizing and financing violence. His Hotel was routinely used as meeting

point during the planning of the violence.

180. Pharis Ndung’u Chege Former Naivasha mayor and

businessman in Naivasha Town

Organizing and financing violence. He was one of financiers of the violence.

He was one of the conveners of the

meetings held at La Belle Inn.

181. Timothy Kamau Prominent Local Businessman Organizing and financing violence. He

orgnanised and financed the

violence. He was one of the conveners of

the meetings held at La Belle Inn.

182. Kigoshi Prominent Local Businessman Organizing and financing violence. He organized and financed of the

violence. He was one of the conveners of

the meetings held at La Belle Inn.

On 27/1/08, he went round Naivasha

town and the estates and called upon the

Kikuyus (using a loudspeaker) to come

out and join in the violence.

183. Munderu Local Businessman, Matatu


Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence.

Together with several other Matatu

proprietors, he was involved in planning,

mobilizing and coordinating the violence

in Naivasha and its environs.

He was among the group that

coordinated the transportation of Kikuyu

attackers alleged to be Mungiki from

other areas in Central Province.

184. Wajulia Prominent Local Businessman

Matatu Operator

Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence.

Together with several other Matatu

proprietors, he was involved in planning,

mobilizing and coordinating the violence

in Naivasha and its environs.

He was among the group that

coordinated the transportation of Kikuyu

attackers alleged to be Mungiki from

other areas in Central Province.

185. Lucky Boy Prominent Local Businessman

Matatu Operator

Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence.

Together with several other Matatu

proprietors, he was involved in planning,

mobilizing and coordinating the violence

in Naivasha and its environs.

He was among the group that

coordinated the transportation of Kikuyu

attackers alleged to be Mungiki from

other areas in Central Province.

186. Owner of Rafiki Supermarket Local Businessperson Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence.

She organized of violence. She ordered

her Luo tenants to vacate the houses. On

25/12/07, she reportedly held a meeting

at Kabati estate, which was exclusively

attended by Kikuyus. Earlier in the day,

she was spotted in the company of Jayne

Kihara, the area MP, who was buying

pangas and other crude weapons from

Branch Kubwa supermarket.

187. Virginia Wambugua Local Businessperson Proprietor

of Meta meta Supermarket.

Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence.

She was involved in financing the

violence and is also accused of evicting

Luo tenants from her houses.

188. Mr Njuki Local Businessperson proprietor

of Njuki Hardware

Organizing, mobilizing and

financing violence

He was involved in financing the violence.

189. Komen Teacher Joyland academy Organizing and participating in


He was involved in organizing the

Kalenjin youths towards the violence and

was severally seen participating in

violence and in particular on 3/1/08 at


190. Chepkwony Teacher Muririshwa Secondary


Organizing and participating in


He was involved in organizing the

Kalenjin youths towards the violence and

was severally seen participating in

violence and in particular on 3/1/08 at


191. Kihara Njoroge Local leader (Ngata farm,

Kiambogo, Naivasha Constituency)

Organizing and participating in


He was one of the ring leaders during an

attack in Ngata farm by Kikuyu raiders

192. Samson Nderitu Local leader (Ngata farm,

Kiambogo, Naivasha Constituency)

Organizing and participating in


He was one of the ring leaders during an

attack in Ngata farm by Kikuyu raiders

193. Jonathan Kuria Warothe Current councilor, Hell’s Gate

ward. Previously worked as a

junior supervisor spraying section

at Nini farm in Naivasha

Organizing and participating in


He convened a meeting at Shamba la

Nyama Butchery in Karagita where a

friend of the interviewee attended the

meeting. The meeting was called for all

kikuyu workers of Nini flower farm,

persons who attended the meeting were

told to be prepared for war and fight the

Luos and they would be paid by Jonathan

and Jane Kihara, the immediate former

MP of Naivasha. The meeting was held

for three days consecutively

194. Wasami, Gathuo, Gachia and


Workers at Naivasha’s Nini flower


Incitement and threats to violence The three who are the co w orkers of the

interviewee at Nini flower farm arrived

on the morning of 31st December 2007 at

their place of work and started taunting

and threatening non kikuyus at the work


195. Mr Ngujiri A resident of Kitur farm in


Organizing and participating in


Mentioned as one of the persons who

was involved in organizing kikuyu youth

in Kitur farm to go and attack kalenjins

196. Wagaitho A businessman in Naivasha Incitement to violence On 30th December 2007, after

announcement of elections, he was

among the group that went around Nini

estate in Naivasha shouting that all nonkikuyus

must leave the estate

197. ‘Meta meta’ A businessman in Naivasha Incitement to violence On 30th December 2007, after announcement of elections, he was

among the group that went around Nini

estate in Naivasha shouting that all nonkikuyus

must leave the estate

198. Dr. Ngige Owns a residential houses in


Incitement to violence On 30th December 2007, after

announcement of elections, he was

among the group that went around Nini

estate in Naivasha shouting that all nonkikuyus

must leave the estate




199. John Opere, Morris Oguda,

Fores Oruath ,Ogeyo Ogiro, Jared

Oyoo, Daniel Osodo, Utturu

Otingo, Jones Odinga,

Samuel Odinga, Elius Odinga

Aids / Supporters of the MP for

Nyatike Hon. Omondi Anyanga

Coordinated the riots, looting and


They looted and rioted in Nyatike and

plotted the deaths of Nyatike councilllors

200. Zebii DJ at a Resort Club in Migori Leader in looting and destruction

of property

He led the youth in pointing out premises

belonging to non Luos for looting and


201. Mama Atoti Business lady in Migori Leader in looting and destruction

of property

Led people who broke into the premises

of a mobile phone dealer

202. Chief Inspector Wanyama The officer in charge of Central

Police Station, Kisumu

Looting. Participated in looting and destruction of

property. A team from the CID

Headquarters in Nairobi was constituted

to investigate him and a report issued,

but despite efforts to obtain a copy of the

report, this was not made available to the





203. Chiri Kamanu A son of a retired law firm

employee in Eldoret and lives in

Serengea Market.

Said to have involved in arson, and

stealing of cows

He was among a group of youths that

looted, and burnt property.

204. Hillary Jirongo Related to Hon. Jirongo and

manages his father’s farm in


Said to have involved in arson, and

stealing of cows

She was among a group of youths that

looted, and burnt property.

205. Patrick Amukora alis “Patty” Has a farm in Sergoit in an area

called Block 10.

Said to have involved in arson, and

stealing of cows

. He was among a group of youths that

looted, and burnt property

206. Mr. Omusula alias Zamaleck Proprietor of Zamelck Music

stores in Kakamega town

Financing the violence On several days, he paid youths to burn

Kikuyu property

207. James Tororei Retired army officer Said to have sponsored the


He acted as the organizer and sponsor of

violence in parts of Lugari District. His

vehicles were used to collect stolen


208. Maloba Ex special branch officer Said to have sponsored the


He sponsored the violence.




209. Mburu Gituya Businessman Supply of weapons Supplied weapons to Kikuyu raiders in

Eldoret town.

210. John Nice Businessman Supply of weapons Supplied weapons to Kikuyu raiders in

Eldoret town.

211. Mr Buba Businessman and owner of Buba


Supply of weapons Supplied weapons to Kikuyu raiders in

Eldoret town.

212. Name not established Owner of Kimiti Hardware Supply of weapons Supplied weapons to Kikuyu raiders in Eldoret town.

213. Peter Mwathi MP for Limuru constituency Incitement to violence He asked Mungiki to arm

themselves to

defend the Kikuyu in the Rift Valley in a

meeting where alongside other MPS he

addressed IDPs on 19th January 2008

214. Muigai Njoroge Musician/artist Incitement through hate speech The musician composed

derogatory song insinuating that Raila Odinga is a

murderer and power hungry. He made

reference to Luo people as being lazy.

Played on several local language stations

with following in Central Province.

215. Njenga Karume Former MP for Kiambaa Aided in the violence He provided money to aid in the eviction of non Kikuyus from Central Province.

216. Mary Wambui, PNU Activist Financing the violence She organised finances and attended

meetings together with Members of

Parliament for Gatundu North,

Mukurweini and Kiamba. The meetings

were held to plan retaliatory attacks.

217. A Mr Bob Member of the Kikuyu Matatu Aiding and abetting violence The extent to which

Businesspeople Welfare Association including financing. financed perpetration of violence against non Kikuyu communities was not quite

clear. Together with other business

persons met on 26 January 2008 at

Kikuyu Country Club to fundraise for

eviction of non Kikuyu residents..

218. A Mr Wa Babu owner of Makutano Bar in Kikuyu


Aiding and abetting violence

including financing.

219. Owners of Buba Hardware,

Kimiti Hardware and Menrose

Hardware, all in Kikuyu,

Business people Aiding and abetting violence. Supplied weapons such as

the attackers.

Monday 14 July 2008


Leo tunaanza kuchunguza jinsi wakenya wataweza kuirudisha nchi yao kwa njia ya haki. Kenya sasa inaongozwa na watu ambao wanafanyia tumbo zao kazi. watu ambao ni kazi yao kula hong na rushwa.

Darubini Leo